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The Flipping 50 Show

Let's start Flipping 50 with the energy and the vitality you want for this second half! I solve your biggest challenges and answer questions about how to move, what to eat, and when, along with the small lifestyle changes that can make the most difference in the least amount of time. Join me and my expert guests for safe, sane, simple solutions for your second (and better) half!

Jan 19, 2024

Exercise both directly and indirectly influences detox.

Exercise increases respiration, circulation and sweat production. 

Exercise [in the sweet spot] also improves digestion and elimination so the toxins released can be removed.

Exercise stimulates the lymphatic system (an integral part of the immune system for removal of metabolic waste and toxins).  The Lymphatic system relies on muscular contractions and body vibration to move fluids through the body.  

Indirectly exercise supports natural detox by being a catalyst. Working out often helps increase water intake, improve nutrition choices and sleep.

Are Some Exercises Better at Supporting Detox Than Others?

Look, any movement and regularly doing so, even gentle yoga and walking support circulation. If you’re able to exercise more intensely and sweat regularly your circulation is going to benefit more. Be mindful, this isn’t a “more is better” thing. We need to move daily, and as much as more intense exercise will indeed get muscles and heart pumping to greater extent, we also need rest and recovery. 

But there are movements traditionally suggested for lymphatic drainage and you may wonder why. Here are two: 

Movement like rebounding which has been found to be good for lymph stimulation. 

Here’s the mechanism behind it.

Rebounding causes the valves in the lymphatic system to open and close simultaneously increasing lymphatic flow by as much as 15%

2-3 minutes once or twice a day with feet staying in contact with surface

Lymphatic flow requires 1) muscular contraction from exercise and movement, 2) gravitational pressure, and 3) internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts. Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body.

The gravitational pull could be provided from many exercises, but with rebounding repeated gravitational pull is provided rapidly over and over with landing. 

However, there is not a lot of science suggesting that lymphatic drainage is indeed improved by rebounding. A small pilot study of 7 in 2018 seemed positive but with women with lower limb lymphedema. 

Whole body Vibration Exercise Supports Natural Detox

Whole body vibration activates 95% of the muscles in the entire body, creating a full-body circulation and lymphatic flow. This vibration therapy is better than massage because it uses the body’s natural muscle movement to ensure full-body lymphatic drainage.

The high levels of muscle contractions you’ll experience on a Whole Body Vibration plate stimulate the lymph to FLUSH toxins by moving the lymphatic system, without more strenuous exercise. Even a short, seemingly light exercise session does this. suggests a Hz of 10-30 for lymphatic drainage.

Another site suggests 30-50 for optimal muscle stimulation. And 30Hz has been used in bone health studies successfully enhancing bone density. 

The WBV I use is a Power Plate Move. It’s a Medical Device Directive (MDD) Certified Medical device as well as a Class 1c US FDA-registered device. 

Could Exercise Sabotage Your Detox? 

Exercise mistakes might limit the positive effects of exercise on detox.

Exercise is stress and too much stress will backfire. Exercise  causes inflammation. The inflammatory response to exercise supports a body’s resilience – to stress and infection or illness. But if you are already at a tipping point for your body, that additional inflammation may put you over the edge. That is if it’s too much for you at the moment. That doesn’t have to mean you’re attempting a marathon. But if you’re already under stress, trying to maintain the same exercise you do when you’re fully healthy and energetic, could be wrong. 

Heads Up: There are Critics 

You’re going to read critics of the concept of lymph drainage. Be prepared! But I think for many of us, lymphatic drainage isn’t the #1 reason for purchasing a whole body vibration tool. Even if lymph drain is a key benefit for you, it may be the bone density that is life saving because it’s as a result of the treatments that were necessary. We all are going to have to continue to filter. 


Effect of 6-month Whole Body Vibration Training on Hip Density, Muscle Strength, and Postural Control in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2004 Mar 22:19(3): 352-9. Epub 2003 Dec 22. 

The Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Lower Extremity Skin Blood Flow in Normal Subjects. Medical Science Monitor, Vol 13(2) pp. CR71-76, 20071.

Cugusi L, Manca A, Serpe R, Romita G, Bergamin M, Cadeddu C, Solla P, Mercuro G; Working Group of Gender Cardiovascular Disease of the Italian Society of Cardiology. Effects of a mini-trampoline rebounding exercise program on functional parameters, body composition and quality of life in overweight women. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2018 Mar;58(3):287-294. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06588-9. Epub 2016 Jul 21. PMID: 27441918.


Join the Cleanse:

Power Plate:  Code: Flipping50 

My Whole Body Vibration:  Use Code: FLIPPING50 for a very special offer JUST for Flipping 50 community members. Seeing this Jan 2024? Don’t miss it!! A massage gum PLUS 25% (normally 20% for our community)

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