Jun 30, 2020
If you’re stuck in this 10 (or more) pound weight gain, you exercise to the point of exhaustion, you’re awake with hot flashes, and baffled about what to put in your mouth right now, this is for you.
If any one of those resonated with you or you’re experiencing belly fat and cellulite you’ve never had before…...
Jun 28, 2020
How do you choose an athletic shoes?
One of the last things you might consider before you start an exercise program is what shoes you should wear. However, your feet are your foundation and if you don't get this right every joint upstairs could suffer.
In this episode learn how to choose athletic shoes so that you are...
Jun 26, 2020
Are you doing the best workout for your body type?
But before the episode, it's more than one thing. It's body type, it's hormones, it's your condition, your goals, and an integration of it all. If you're exhausted, it could be less about exercise and more about rest.
https://www.flippingfifty.com/tedx to see my TEDx...
Jun 23, 2020
Natural Menopause Solutions
Hot flashes, night sweats or kick-your-booty fatigue ?
Those symptoms of menopause do not have to run your life. This episode is all about natural menopause solutions, that get you back on track, feeling 100% your sassy self again in no time.
I’ve been sharing … well pretty much...
Jun 16, 2020
This is definitely a different Flipping 50 podcast. It's a whose behind the scenes backstage pass kind of podcast. We just surpasses one million listeners and in thanks I'm giving in to a request ... 20 of them that I get so very often.
For all the what do you eat, how do you exercise, what time do you go to sleep...