Mar 26, 2019
You don’t have time to workout?
I don’t have time to work out.
This post is not going to sit well with you potentially. So read this next couple sentences carefully.
If you’re content to complain about not having time or energy to workout and you truly think that on summer break or once you retire, or that...
Mar 22, 2019
Don't miss this special broadcast answering questions about the STRONGER I and II programs.
Recorded this last day of the 50% off rate, I don't want you to miss out if it's perfect for you and want to be sure you don't register if it's wrong for you right now.
Mar 19, 2019
Menopause Fitness: Menopause is Not a Sickness
How do you modify your fitness to reflect a menopause fitness routine that will make you better not tired? This episode is about identifying what signs and symptoms are telling you.
This episode is brought to you by STRONGER series of strength training for women. The...
Mar 12, 2019
Exercise for Cellulite Reduction Solutions
First things first: cellulite reduction and this conversation is not about perfection! It IS about confidence though. Not feeling your best can rock your confidence and who needs that!?
Cottage cheese. Dimples. Whatever you call it, no one wants to see it. Do cellulite...