Dec 29, 2020
We’ve made it. I analyzed your Flipping 50 podcast downloads to find the top 10 podcasts of 2020. Thank you for being her and sharing this journey with me! Here’s to 2021 one day at a time better.
#10 Top podcasts of 2020
Best HIIT Workouts for Women Over 50
The 10th of the top 10 podcasts of 2020 is all about HIIT training for women over 50. I share the details with you to take the guesswork out of why and how.
If you’re looking to reduce belly fat, make the most of exercise time, maybe believing the myth that it has to be high impact… this is your episode.
What is the Best Way to Do Core Exercise After 50?
In this Q and A format I answer a listener question about how to do core exercise then if you’re not to do sit-ups and crunches. Core is a favorite topic and will always be so dive in if you are still romanced by sit-ups and crunches but getting no results or injured.
What is EMF and Why Should You Be Concerned
Dr Joe Mercola joined me on this episode and that’s nearly
enough said. For years, long before anyone else was doing it he was
a go-to source for many of our listeners when it comes to health
information. That is, until health information has begun to be
subject to major pharma and sites sharing information against
popular trends have been shut down.
Dr Mercola joined me on this podcast to discuss his recent
What 2020 Fitness Trends Mean for You After 50
This top podcasts of 2020 episode went into detail about how and why the “trends” survey released annually by ACSM is interpreted incorrectly by media. I’ll be sharing an updated version of this podcast in just a few days as the 2021 trends survey is released. Why ? Because this year we don’t have wiggle room or latitude to pretend that a barre class is going to preserve muscle mass or bone density. We have been too inactive for too many months and our future selves will pay for it if we let it continue.
What Does It Mean to Go “to Fatigue” Reader Question
In this popular new episode format from 2020 I selected questions from listeners and our Flipping 50 Insiders group (I’ll link to that below) to answer questions all year – particularly during the pandemic.
In this episode it’s all about the importance of fatigue during strength training and distinguishing it from movement at a frenzied pace that leads to injury.
Becoming a Health Coach or Personal Trainer After 50
Your interest in this episode is timely. There is not a better time for a midlife woman to be considering it or growing her business. Women are excellent listeners, collaborators, and help agents. Combine these natural skills with the desire to love the work you do and create a flexible life you love, fitness and health coaching are a natural draw.
The Advanced Flipping 50 Fitness Specialist has been supporting new hormone balancing fitness coaches for just over 2 years now. I’ve been asked to create courses for MedFit and for PTonthenet.
As the founder of the first and only exclusively dedicated to women in menopause and beyond membership I can tell you the outreach for information is huge and growing. Baby boomers were only the first wave. And what happens to a women in menopause determines as much as 50% of her life health. If you’re thinking about it and you need information, now is the time to register for one of the last master classes from the Fitness Marketing Mastery Institute.
5 Proven Perimenopause & menopause Fitness Strategies
I’ll warn you that this episode offers the simplest strategies ever. There’s no extreme exercise, or dieting, or eating exotic foods. So, if you’re looking for some hidden secrets you won’t find it here. But you will find five things you can easily test yourself one-by-one or all at once and start feeling better and getting better fitness results.
Getting Better Sleep Now | Beat Insomnia
Just a couple months into the pandemic stress, anxiety, and disrupted schedules all combined with midlife hormone issues to cause sleep issues for many of you. In midlife we’re already subject to reduced melotonin levels and imbalanced cortisol plus blood sugar imbalances that can sabotage sleep. If you’ve also got night sweats sleep can be elusive.
This episode is a live interview with a Flipping 50 member (and by the way the membership is open Dec 25-Jan 6, 2021) about sleep and what she most needed in the moment. No matter what is causing your sleep or insomnia, this may be helpful.
Exercise and Fasting After 50 | Does It Burn More Fat
This 2nd most top podcast of 2020 is still a hot and somewhat confusing issue for women in midlife trying to juggle information about fasting, hormone balancing exercise, and their own fatigue or energy levels. If that’s you and fasting and exercise timing continue to confuse, this podcast will offer a much simpler way to decide, and test what works for you.
7 Walking Mistakes that Prevent Weight Loss After 50
This one oddly hinted at a problem that would come later in the year, but was released in January of 2020. Walking is the number one preferred exercise by women in postmenopause. Walking does a lot of things for health, wellness, and longevity. But it can’t do everything. There’s a threshold of ROI on walking. During the year of pandemic when many – including myself – turned to walking for so many reasons, this top podcast of 2020 is worth a listen or even a review.
Show notes: /Top102020
STRONGER (open thru Dec 31, 2020)
Flipping 50 Membership (open thru Jan 6, 2021)
Flipping 50 Specialist Mastermind