Jul 19, 2024
Working with women in menopause for 40 years, even before it dawned on me that’s what I was doing, I know now what I wish I’d have done differently.
I’ve never said this out loud quite like this, though I’ve hinted at it. The name Flipping 50 was taken very literally by 50% of those first hearing about it. I at first had to help some understand that 50 referred to the way we think about the second half, the way we prepare for it and look forward vs dread it. With knowledge that no two people “age anything” actually age the same, and that epigenetics or habits have more impact on aging than do our genetics, we can indeed flip 50 if we choose to. Our mission in delivery is to help women optimize their lives through optimizing the fitness they have before, during and after menopause.
Working with women in menopause, the biggest positive impact doesn’t come with helping the 6000 women a day entering menopause, or the 1.1 billion in menopause by 2025. Maybe for a moment right now. In this episode I look back at all of it and some friends, some clients, some family members… everyone of whose name has been changed.
Questions I Answer in this Episode:
Mindset/attitude/happiness/purpose … an ultra positive effect even when lifestyle habits were mild to moderately present (no excess exercise commitment, just basics)
What I’d Change:
Challenge you:
Have a conversation with a young woman. Leave out the word “should.” Ask if she wants support.
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