Jul 18, 2023
Can you reverse Hashimoto's thyroiditis? Or you may be asking, what exactly is that?
What if your thyroid issues weren’t just thyroid issues but an autoimmune disease and you didn’t know it? Could the fatigue and hair loss you’ve experienced be fixed with changes in lifestyle?
Often unfortunately, it’s still not all that clear that your food, nutrition, toxic exposure, or ability to detox have a significant impact on your thyroid. My guest today shares her own story and we deep dive into tips for reducing heavy metal consumption and testing to ask for and why.
My Guest:
Dr. Jen Pfleghaar is a double board-certified physician in Integrative Medicine and Emergency Medicine. attended medical school at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. She then went on to residency at St Vincent’s Mercy Medical Center for Emergency Medicine. Dr. Jen spent one year flying with Life Flight as a flight physician. She now works at local emergency rooms in the community and her office in Perrysburg, OH practicing Integrative Medicine. She is a graduate of The University of Arizona: Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine's two-year fellowship program. Dr. Jen loves speaking and lecturing to physicians at conferences including the AOA (American Osteopathic Association). She hosts the podcast The Integrative Health Podcast with Dr. Jen. Her own health history of Hashimoto’s (which is now in remission) sparked her interest in Integrative Medicine. She is very passionate about helping patients with chronic diseases and teaching them now to let the body heal itself. She is a published author of the book- Eat. Sleep. Move. Breathe A Beginner's Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle. She is a board member of IDA- Invisible Disabilities Association. Her hobbies include spending time with her husband and four children, being in nature, paddle boarding on the Maumee River, and reading all things.
Questions We Answer in This Episode:
Connect to Learn More About Dr. Jen’s Summit:
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Website: https://www.healthologybydrjen.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/integrativedrmom/
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