Apr 10, 2018
Fat loss after 50, or at any age, is perplexing. The loss of fat signals the body to do everything it can to regain fat. The very thing you do to lose fat causes the body to readily store more. Syliva Tara discovered this in her personal journey of fat loss. Her biochemistry background led her to research the science and wrap it up in a book.
In her best-selling book, The Secret Life of Fat, she reveals the complex biology of fat, how it resists loss, and what it means for each of us.
Dr. Tara holds a PhD in biochemistry from the University of California at San Diego and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She was a consultant with McKinsey & Company and has worked at the world's largest biotechnology companies.
Questions we answer on this episode:
Sylvia shares discoveries she made through her personal journey that she included in her book on the show:
Reach Sylvia:
The book is available on Amazon.
Follow Sylvia on Facebook and Twitter: @SylviaTaraPhD