May 17, 2019
7 Expert SLEEP TIPS for Good Nights and Great Days
In this episode I rounded up 7 expert friends and asked them to share their best sleep tips. Many of them gave not only advice they give clients or patients, but what they personally do to be the high-functioning movers and shakers in functional health & wellness that they are.
Sleep is the #1 most important hormone balancing habit you can have. There are several vary important things we must do. It’s no contest though that among my private clients, students, and hey my own friends and colleagues – we all do so much better at every habit when we sleep well.
Get the cheat sheetI created just for this episode so you can take notes easily!
Before you begin listening I highly recommend you go download the cheat sheet. Just enter your best email and you’ll gain access to our member’s area where you can get it to help you track notes and remember what everyone said. If you hear it, read it, and write it you’ll remember it so much better!
Here’s my all-star line up of expert sleep tips:
Amy Beth Hopkins of Heath and Bliss for Life is a self-proclaimed Soul Junkie and Physical Therapist.
You can reach Amy Beth here:
Dr. Doni Wilson is a naturopathic doctor and best selling author who’s behind The Stress Remedy Program. She specializes in helping people be healthy even when they’re stressed. You can connect with her at,, and
Dr. Tom Moorcroftis a Lyme disease and Brain Detox expert. You can find him at and follow at He shared several things you may not have tried or heard – including from our expert sleep tips round up.
Dr. Heidi Hannais a NY times best selling author of several books and the executive director for the American Institute of Stress. You can find out more about Heidi and her Recharge programs at The Reflection Meditation I mentioned can be accessed in my free Recharge Toolkit at
Follow Heidi on social:
Twitter: @heidihanna
Shelley Gawith is a qualified Functional Nutritionist with a successful practice downtown in Wellington, New Zealand. She mainly works with corporate clients and their staff to help them transform their health so that they too can live their lives to their full potential.
Connect with Shelley on social:
FB Shelley Gawith Functional Nutriton
Instagram @ShelleyGawith FN
My wild friend:
Teri Cochrane is an internationally known integrative practitioner. She gets to the root of the root of any of your health concerns and develops a personalized plan with sustainable positive results.
Find Teri on Social Media:
Instagram: @tericochranebeyondnutrition
Facebook: @tericochranebeyondnutrition
Twitter: @TeriCochrane
and finally, I've saved the best for last, JJ Virgin is the friend who's brought us all together.
JJ Virgin is a 4x NY Times bestselling author of the Virign Diet and Sugar Impact Diet.
JJ is a nutrition and fitness expert and a human you want to know. JJ shares her personal routine – and the reasons behind it.
Connect with JJ: IG
jjvirginofficial FB
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