Feb 11, 2025
After 50, love relationships take a turn. For women who become more educated and mature their relationship may no longer solve a problem they can’t solve on their own.
My respected guest and Flipping 50 returning favorite on love relationships, Dr. John Gray.
My Guest:
John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are...
Feb 7, 2025
Most commonly the challenge is gaining lean muscle. Doing all the things but can’t seem to gain muscle? Then tune in and go through this like a check list of 12 strength training mistakes in menopause that could be the reason.
It just takes one. But if there are multiple, it’s compounded and in this case, not...
Feb 4, 2025
In this special episode, you get to join me in a doctor’s appointment and lm tell you… what you don’t know about hormone tests could be the difference in feeling 10x better and aging better too!
If you don’t know about hormone tests that there are not only different test, but different ways to interpret them...
Feb 1, 2025
Can you improve your eyesight and protect your vision in midlife? Vision health goes far beyond eyesight and the ability to see the golf ball or the small print on the supplement bottle.
Aging doesn’t mean dimming sight; it’s possible to preserve and improve vision with the right knowledge and tools. Did you know...
Jan 31, 2025
With either high or low cortisol in menopause, the way you exercise has to change. Yet, this is a gap in fitness education for trainers, instructors and coaches who don’t get training specific to women in menopause.
So, whether you’re here for yourself or here as a coach or trainer who does now or wants to coach...