May 17, 2024
This is all about menopause fitness changes that you want to make, 20 of them in fact. Before any of these are truly beneficial, I’ll share this: if you’re not measuring you have no idea what is really happening. Measure and track your percent body fat and your skeletal muscle (in lbs or kgs). Other things you may want to do, take your measurements, track the waist or get nitty gritty with visceral belly fat stat from your Smart Scale.
If you’ve always said, I don’t weigh, I just pay attention to how my clothes fit, it’s time to change that thinking. By the time you may realize you lost a significant amount of muscle it could be too late.. and harder to get it back. Let’s not lose anything you have now, and work to build strong futures.
1. Intense exercise Early
2. Exercise late? Make it light.
3. Increase recovery between challenging sessions.
4. If insomnia strikes, leave agility work for another day
5. Warm up and cool down like a boss to prevent injury
6. Bookend workouts with fuel
7. Quality movement wins over frenzied
8. Basics work better than variety for variety’s sake
9. Fuel before any intense exercise
10. Listen to your body better than you have ever before
11. Restore before more: Exhausted can’t get fit
12. Focus on muscle building
13. HIIT may hurt or help: assess for yourself
14. Activities that create positive neurotransmitters
15. Don’t underestimate walking and strength training
16. Energy is more stable: Push a little harder
17. Continue to prioritize strength
18. Frequency of HIIT can often increase from 2 to 4 times a week (45 minutes is still a threshold where injury rates seem to go up)
19. Mobility most days
20. Add Power regularly.
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FREE What, When & Why to Exercise for Women 40+ summit:
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