Oct 20, 2020
Sit-ups and crunches are not a girl’s (or guy’s best friend). So, what does work? And why are sit-ups and crunches so bad but still so prevalent in fitness classes?
Well, first, keep in mind a vast majority of fitness instructors have minimal training before they’re able to lead a group in fitness. In fact, all it takes is for someone to have the desire to lead and anyone willing to follow and you have a new fitness instructor. With no guarantee they truly know science, know modifications, and safety precautions for exercise and for individuals.
Back pain?
80 percent of US adults experiences back pain. Eighty percent of those individuals have recurring pain throughout the year. Are you one of them? What can you do to prevent back pain?
Dr. Sinett inventor of Backbridge and author of 3 Weeks To A Better Back, The Back Pain Relief Diet, The Ultimate Backbridge Stretch Book, and his newest 2020 release Sit-Ups Are Stupid & Crunches Are Crap.
He has dedicated his career and life as a pain expert, finding and treating the root causes of back pain, not just treating the symptoms.
Dr. Sinett gets patients back into balance by treating individuals on three different levels: structural, digestive and emotional. Through his unique, three-tiered approach and his revolutionary Backbridge, Dr. Sinett is helping back pain sufferers address the underlying source of their pain and live healthier, happier lives.
Questions we answer in this episode:
Let's talk statistics, 80% of adults in the US experience back pain. 80% of those individuals experience back pain that recurs. What causes the majority of back pain that you deal with?
How do you assess and discover the root cause of the problem?
Back pain is often not a back issue but something else – exactly what we’re talking about when we mean root cause. Tight hips or upper back often cause the low back pain. What are some other causes of lower back pain?
Common is Not Normal
We know its common, but it’s not normal to have back pain as you age. In our contemporary lives right now, what contributes to back problems?
Many listeners will ask why they still have back issues while they’re exercising regularly and eating healthy?
Share with listeners what it means to decompress your spine?
Listeners will be wondering if they can do this at home?
What exercise do you recommend to improve posture?
Connect with Dr Sinett:
5 Day Flip includes a day of safe, sane, core exercise
Still doing sit-ups? What now?
Want all core for a no-crunches/no-sit-ups challenge? Grab my cheat sheet with over 2 dozen core exercise options (and video tutorials for you):